Up to 99% Accurate and Three Times Faster than Typing New Quick Voice Formatting makes it easier to format, delete, and copy words and passages with a single command. Surf the Web by voice or dictate and edit in Microsoft Word and Excel, Corel WordPerfect, and most other Windows-based applications. You could create email, documents and spreadsheets on the fly, simply by speaking. Your transcribed words now appear on the screen in half the time it took in the past.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech to text software delivers up to 20% more accurate results. 3.6 out of 5 stars 129.Our professional speech recognition system is faster and more accurate than ever. Dragon Professional Individual 15, Dictate Documents and Control your PC – all by Voice, PC Disc by Nuance Dragon.

Master Dragon right out of the box, and start experiencing big productivity gains immediately. Dragon is 3x faster than typing and it's 99% accurate. Talk and your words appear on the screen. Dragon speech recognition software is better than ever. Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13, Disc Only. Nuance Dragon Professional Individual for Mac Version 6 Speech Recognition Software with USB PC Noise Canceling Headsets. Version 6 is the Dragon Professional Individual for Mac computers. Whereas, on the Mac computers, version 6 needs to be downloaded and installed. Version 15 can be downloaded on the Windows system. You can download and installed the Dragon Naturally Speaking software on your Windows as well as Mac computers.